Thursday, September 24, 2009

Paint Shop --> Upholstery Shop

Took some time off this morning. Drove to the body & paint shop with the towing gear, grabbed the bug, and drove it to the upholstery shop. The guys at the shop got pretty excited when I mentioned that this was going to be an electric car. The owner of the shop said that he really wanted to be involved with such a project, and he would do an especially good job. He's done a bunch of VW's!

About the car: I had been watching car colors for months, and the one I really liked was this blue metallic on Toyota trucks. One of the A/C contractors here at work had one, so I approached him one day as he was unloading stuff, and asked him if I could get the paint code off of his door jamb sticker. That's what I told the body shop to use.

I chose Ron Waters Body & Paint in Chatsworth , and Sammy the paint man there did a great job. All of the chrome trim was removed and filled in, as were the fresh air box louvres and rear quarter window vents. Most importantly, the exhaust pipe cutouts were filled in! Won't be needing those anymore.

There was a motorcycle art shop in the same alley. Ed the artist put ghost lightning bolts down the sides of the car. They fade in and out as the light changes. Cool, huh.

You may notice that the car looks pretty high on the suspension. It weighs almost nothing at the moment. When I backed my truck up to put the tow bar on the hitch ball, I was about a foot off to the side. I picked up the front end of the bug and moved it over. Light weight == good.

p.s. sad day yesterday, we put our doggy to sleep. She was almost 15 years old. RIP Jenny.

1 comment:

Holly Jahangiri said...

It looks great! Pretty blue.