Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mission Accomplished.

Today is a day of victory. I have vanquished my foe. My morning started early. I could not sleep any longer, having an epiphany in the last vestiges of a particularly lucid dream state. I had the key - coffee. I know that coffee makes me smarter. I've noticed that when I have several cups within a short period of time (what other people, especially the jealous neurotic ones, would say is "too much") I can drill my way to a brilliant solution to a complex problem easily. As the morning sky gradually blossomed into daylight, I re-positioned the trap to what I finally, through my new insight,  knew to be the habitual path of my enemy. I would then wait and check again later.

I got the Sunday paper and read the whole thing. I went into the back yard and skimmed the pool. I went into the garage and built up some brackets for the charger current meter and back-up alarm beeper. I figured that since it had been five minutes, I should go and check the trap.

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